For the group exhibition Thin Ice 2, seven pairs of artists presented jointly prepared artworks. Szilvia collaborated with fellow Armory alumnus, James McCallum.
It takes time to understand another person’s method and approach to art. At the beginning of the project instead of spending a long time discussing what they should make, Szilvia Gyorgy and James McCallum together gathered materials that interested them, and from there a dialogue and creative collaboration began. In their project the selected format was determined by found objects and materials relegated to the status of redundant or junk, thus, both used materials that are uncommon to their traditional practices.
The project finds its grounding with a collection of materials which are reborn as authentic elements. The setting of the exhibition within the context of the former rubbish incinerator designed as a work of art by Walter Burley Griffin further serves to heighten the project ambition.
In every collaborative work there is a third voice between the artists that drives new ways of thinking and creativity. During the project there was a constant change in leadership where either Gyorgy or McCallum had belief and trust in their partners concept. Often the pivotal moments in the practical process happened when one of the artists would push the work beyond the other artist’s comfort and challenged their perception.